Selasa, 30 September 2014

Cara Kirim Email Ukuran Besar di Gmail (Over Quota Limit)

Dewasa ini kebutuhan akan email seperti sudah menjadi kebutuhan primer dalam dunia usaha/perkantoran. Sebagai salah satu media pertukaran informasi dan transaksi, hal ini tidak lepas berbagai kendalanya. Kadangkala kebutuhan berkirim email kita tidak terakomodasi dengan policy yang berjalan di perusahaan, contoh size yang diperbolehkan maksimal 4MB.
Hal ini dapat dicarikan solusinya yaitu dengan menggunakan gmail. Ada 2 trick yang dapat digunakan yaitu:

First integrates your email with Dropbox, Box and Google Drive which allows you to send large files without having to leave Gmail when you are writing an email.

How it works:
  1. Simply install the Extension on any of your browser (Mozilla, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome).
  2. Click Attachments button and give permission to connect to the application with your Google Account.
  3. The application connects with Dropbox, Google Drive and and thus uploading files can be started and even it can be attached with the mail.
Second TrickYou can even send large files using the Google Drive service that allows us to store up to 5GB files over the Internet for free by using the same Gmail account, just go with the below following steps:
  1. Enter and click upload button - Archives. Find the file on your PC and click Open.
  2. Wait for Google Drive to finish the uploading of the file and if you want you can add more files following the previous step.
  3. Now your file will be in the unit that is on the left side of Google JDrive, select your file and click More - Save - Attach to Email.
  4. Simply, compose your selected e-mail to any of your contacts and finally send them the email with your large attachment that you have uploaded.
Semoga bermanfaat.

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